Upcoming medical school interview?
Upcoming medical school interview?
We have asked some of our scholars, first year medical students, for some tips on how to ace your medical school interview. And here is what some of them had to say:
‘When tackling scenario or ethics-based questions, it's essential to avoid immediately committing to a definitive 'yes' or 'no.' Instead, engage in thoughtful analysis by discussing arguments for and against the scenario. Take your time before reaching conclusions shows that you've carefully thought about the intricacies of the debate. Applying the four pillars of medical ethics can provide a structured approach, helping you explore different facets of the scenario and ultimately arrive at a balanced conclusion.’
‘If you do not know something in the question just be honest and tell them to look I don't know what this is but here is what I know about this concept. If you do not know something, do not abandon the question all together. Try to answer it the best you can with the knowledge you have. This happened to me at one of my interviews and I ended up going to that medical school!’
‘If you can’t think of an answer ask them to repeat the question and take that time to think and answer. Also make sure you’re actually answering the QUESTION and not only what you think they want to hear’
‘Do your research!! make sure to be aware of current health news and past notable medical cases (Alfie Evan’s, Bawa Garba etc) the NHS (especially if applying to Scotland and Wales some things are different), the difference in roles and responsibilities between doctors and other healthcare professionals’
We really hope this is of help and recommend you check out some of the below links. Wishing you the very best with upcoming interviews!
Medical Schools Council (msccandidatepreparation.co.uk)
Preparing for Online Interviews — The Aspiring Medic's Support (tams.community)